Articoli scientifici
Si riporta l’elenco aggiornato delle pubblicazioni scientifiche inerenti alle attività di ricerca e/o monitoraggio a supporto dell’implementazione della Strategia per l’ambiente marino realizzate con il contributo dei ricercatori ISPRA.
Arcangeli A., Pasanisi E., Santini E., Crosti R., 2025. A systematic monitoring approach to assess floating marine macro litter in Italian waters: Baseline, thresholds, good environmental status, and mitigation priorities under the EU MSFD10. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 212.
Ciaralli L., Valente T., Monfardini E., Libralato G., Manfra L., Berto D., Rampazzo F., Gioacchini G., Chemello G., Piermarini R., Silvestri C., Matiddi M., 2024. Rose or Red, but Still under Threat: Comparing Microplastics Ingestion between Two Sympatric Marine Crustacean Species (Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Parapenaeus longirostris). Animals, 14(15), 2212.
Cicala D., Sbrana A., Valente T., Berto D., Rampazzo F., Gravina M.F., Maiello G., Russo T., 2024. Trophic niche overlap of deep-sea fish species revealed by the combined approach of stomach contents and stable isotopes analysis in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 206, 104281.
D’Amen M., Fortuna M.C., Holcer D., Panigada S., Bonora N., Lauriano G., 2024. Climate change and cetacean habitat suitability in the Mediterranean Sea: a challenge for Marine Strategy Framework Directive D1C4, D1C5 criteria. Animal Conservation 2024-11-27.
Giani M., Pavlidou A., Kralj M., Varkitzi I., Borja A., Menchaca I., Lipizer M., Partescano E., Urbini L., Francé J., Magaletti E., Nguyen Xuan A., Lanera P., Skejić S., Ivanković D., Ninĉević Gladan Z., Matijević S., Pantazi M., Pagou K., 2024. Assessment of the eutrophication status at Mediterranean sub-basin scale, within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Science of the Total Environment, 945.
Juretzek C., Müller A., Clorennec D., Hemon E., Niesterok B., Sigray P., Borsani J.F., Folegot T., Boethling M., 2024. EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive-Compatible Approaches for Impulsive Noise Assessment. In: Popper, A.N., Sisneros, J., Hawkins, A.D., Thomsen, F. (eds) The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life. Springer, Cham.
Matiddi M., Valente T., Camedda A., Centelleghe C., Cocumelli C., Dara S., de Lucia G.A., DiRenzo L., Ferri N., Gioacchini G., Hochscheid S., Lucifora G., Maffucci F., Monteverde V.,Pelamatti T., Petrella A., Pietroluongo G., Roncari C., Terracciano G., Silvestri C., 2024. Are we even close? Five years marine litter ingestion monitoring in loggerhead turtles along Italian coast reveals how far we are from the Good Environmental Status. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 205, 116647.
Paramana T., Dassenakis M., Paraskevopoulou V., Papadopoulou N., Smith C, Reizopoulou S, Raicevich S., Pulcini M., Ronchi F., Penna M., Nguyen Xuan A., Proietti R., Maltese S., Lauria V., Garofalo G., Mavrič B., Klančnik K., Kaučič R., Caserman H., Russo T., Vrgoc N., Isajlovic I., Streftaris N., Pagkou P., 2024. Screening and assessing physical pressures compromising sea – floor integrity in the Adriatic subregion and Greece. Ocean & Coastal Management 251, 107046.
Piazzi L., Castriota L., Livi S., De Biasi A.M., Pacciardi L., Pertusati M., Pretti C., Gennaro P., 2024. Standardization of ALEX index for the ecological quality assessment under European Framework Directives in Mediterranean sensitive habitats affected by biological invasions. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34: e4093.
Sagarminaga Y., Piraino S., Lynam C.P., Leoni V., Nikolaou A., Jaspers C., Bosch-Belmar M., Fumarola L.M., Borja Á., Spada E., Amorim E., Borrello P., de Angelis R., Leone A., Montero N., Ferrer L., Holland M.M., Doyle T.K., Tsirtsis G., Katsanevakis S., 2024. Management of jellyfish outbreaks to achieve good environmental status. Front. Ocean Sustain., 2:1449190.
van Denderen P.D., Plaza‐Morlote M., Vaz S., Wijnhoven S., Borja A., Fernandez‐Arcaya U., Hansen J.L.S., Katsiaras N., Pierucci A., Serrano A., Reizopoulou S., Papadopoulou N., Sköld M., Smith C.J., Nygård H., Van Hoey G., Dinesen G.E., Virtanen E.A., Boyé A., García-Alegre A., Bellas J., Bolam S., Duran Muñoz P., Sacau M., Riva G., Kenchington E., Raicevich S., Reid D., Roux M.J., Hiddink J.H., Valanko S., 2024. Complementarity and sensitivity of benthic state indicators to bottom‐trawl fishing disturbance. Ecological applications, 34(8), e3050.
Vencato S., Montano S., Saliu F., Coppa S., Becchi A., Liotta I, Valente T., Cocca M., Matiddi M., Camedda C., Massaro G., Seveso D., Lasagni M., Galli P., de Lucia G.A., 2024. Phthalate levels in common sea anemone Actinia equina and Anemonia viridis: A proxy of short-term microplastic interaction? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 200.
Angiolillo M., Bertasi F., Grossi L., Loia M., Vani D., Rende S.F., Giusti M., Tunesi L., 2023. Deep Aggregations of the Polychaete Amage adspersa (Grube, 1863) in the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea) as Revealed via ROV Observations. Diversity 15, 906.
Angiolillo M., Bo M., Toma M., Giusti M., Salvati E., Giova A., Lagudi A., Rossi L., Collina M., Bruno F., Canese S., Tunesi L., 2023. A baseline for the monitoring of Mediterranean upper bathyal biogenic reefs within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive objectives. Deep-sea Research Part I, 194, 103963.
Chemello G., Trotta E, Notarstefano V., Papetti L., Di Renzo L., Matiddi M., Silvestri C., Carnevali O., Gioacchini G., 2023. Microplastics evidence in yolk and liver of loggerhead seaturtles (Caretta caretta), a pilot study. Environmental Pollution, 337.
Angiolillo M., Fortibuoni T., Di Lorenzo B., Tunesi L., 2023. First baseline assessment of seafloor litter on Italian coralligenous assemblages (Mediterranean Sea) in accordance with the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 187, 114597.
Finotto L., Berto D., Rampazzo F., Raicevich S., Bonanomi S., Mazzoldi C., 2023. Trophic Partitioning among Three Mesopredatory Shark Species Inhabiting the Northwestern Adriatic Sea. Diversity, 15(12), 1163.
Galanidi M., Aissi M., Ali M., Bakalem A., Bariche M., Bartolo A.G., Bazairi H., Beqiraj S., Bilecenoglu M., Bitar G., Bugeja M., Carbonell Quetglas A., Castriota L., Chalabi A., Çinar M.E., Dragičević B., Dulčić J., El-Haweet A.E.A., Farrag M.M.S., Evans J., Galil B., Guerin L., Hyams-Kaphzan O., Kapedani R., Kamberi E., Livi S., Mačić V., Masse C., Mavrić B., Orlando-Bonaca M., Ouerghi A., Petović S., Png-Gonzalez L., Schembri P.J., Shenkar N., Sghaier Y.R., Shakman E., Yahyaoui A., Yokeş M.B., Zenetos A., 2023. Validated Inventories of Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) for the Mediterranean Sea as Tools for Regional Policy and Patterns of NIS Spread. Diversity 2023, 15(9), 962.
Juretzek C., Müller A., Eigenmann R., Borsani J.F., Sigray P., 2023. A Case Study-Based Analysis of Uncertainties on the Assessment of Impulsive Underwater Noise for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2023, 11, 847.
Liuzzi C., d’Astore P.P., Giannuzzi C.G., Camarda A., Baccetti N., 2023. Largest colony of Audouin’s Gull (Larus audouinii) in the Adriatic Sea and the increasing value of Apulia for the Central/Eastern Mediterranean population. Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 93(2), 15-22.
Mariani G., Bellucci F., Cocumelli C., Raso C., Hochscheid S., Roncari C., Nerone ER., Recchi S., Di Giacinto F., Olivieri V., Pulsoni S., Matiddi M., Silvestri C., Ferri N., Di Renzo L., 2023. Dietary Preferences of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) in Two MediterraneanFeeding Grounds: Does Prey Selection Change with Habitat Use throughout Their Life Cycle? Animals, 13, 4, 654.
Molina Jack M. E., Altenburger A., Caer G., Cociancich, A., Fortibuoni T., Galgani F., Giorge A., Partescano E., Thomas A., 2023. A Mediterranean Focus Overview of EU Marine Litter Data Management Performed in the Framework of the European Marine Observation and Data Network Chemistry. Sustainability, 15.
Pierantonio N., Panigada S., Laurian G., 2023. G. Quantifying Abundance and Mapping Distribution of Loggerhead Turtles in the Mediterranean Sea Using Aerial Surveys: Implications for Conservation. Diversity, 15(12), 1159.
Sacchi M., Santoro S., Culina A., Pollonara E., Cozzo, M., Pezzo F., Baccetti N. 2023 Sex-specific fitness consequences of mate change in Scopoli’s shearwater, Calonectris diomedea. Animal Behaviour, 202, 87-98.
Sacchi M., Zenatello M., Pezzo F., Cozzo M., Pollonara E., Gotti C., Baccetti N. 2023 Nest Change and Individual Fitness in a Scopoli’s Shearwater Population: A Capture-Recapture Multistate Analysis. Diversity, 15(6), 718.
Sagarminaga Y., Garcés E., Francé J., Stern R., Revilla M., Magaletti E., Bresnan E., Tsirtsis G., Jakobsen H.H., Sampedro N., Reñé A., Camp J., Borja Á., Rodríguez J.G., Spada E., Pagou K., De Angelis R., Lanzén A., Ferrer L., Borrello P., Boicenco L., Kobos J., Mazaris A., Katsanevakis S., 2023. New tools and recommendations for a better management of harmful algal blooms under the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Front. Ocean Sustain., 1:1298800.
Scridel D., Utmar P., Koce U., Kral, J., Baccetti N., Candotto S., Ciriaco S., De Luca M., Pascucci M., Sartori A., Tinarelli R., Sava S., Vicario G., Spoto, M. 2023. Conservation Status of the Mediterranean Shag Gulosus aristotelis desmarestii in the Adriatic Sea during the Non-Breeding Period: Baseline Population, Trends, Threats and Knowledge Gaps. Ardeola, 71(1), 19-42.
Valente T., Costantini M.L., Careddu G., Berto D., Piermarini R., Rampazzo F., Sbrana A., Silvestri C., Ventura D., Matiddi M., 2023. Tracing the route: Using stable isotope analysis to understand microplastic pathways through the pelagic-neritic food web of the Tyrrhenian Sea (Western Mediterranean). Science of The Total Environment, 885, 163875.
Zenatello M., Dagnino A., Giussani V., 2023. Hybrid Common Eider x Mallard at La Spezia, Italy, in March 2021. Dutch Birding 45(1): 34-36.
Angiolillo M., Giusti M., Rossi L., Tunesi L., 2022. A Dendrophyllia ramea population in the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea) threatened by anthropogenic impacts. Front Mar Sci, 9: 838274.
Borsani F., Azzellino A., Ceraulo M., Maglio A., 2022. Options for an Underwater Noise Monitoring Scheme in Italian Territorial Waters. ERCOFTAC Bulletin 132, September 2022.
Cimmaruta R., Giovannini S., Bianchi J., Matiddi M., Bellisario B., Nascetti G., 2022. Microplastics occurrence in fish with different habits from the central Tyrrhenian Sea. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 102251.
Darmon G., Schulz M., Matiddi M., Loza A. L., Tòmàs J., Camedda A., Chaieb O., El Hili H.A., Bradai M.N., Bray L., Claro F., Dellinger T., Dell’Amico F., de Lucia G. A., M. Duncan E.M., Gambaiani D., Godley B., Kaberi H., Kaska Y., Martin J., Moreira C., Ostiategui P., Pham C.K., Piermarini R., Revuelta O., Rodríguez Y., Silvestri C., Snape R., Sozbilen D., Tsangaris C., Vale M., Vandeperre F., Miaud C., 2022. Drivers of litter ingestion by sea turtles: Three decades of empirical data collected in Atlantic Europe and the Mediterranean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 185, 114364.
Gorjanc S., Klančnik K., Papadopoulou N.K., Murillas-Maza A., Jarni K., Paramana T., Pavičić M., Ronchi F., Uyarra M.C., Koren S., Dassenakis M., Vidjak O., Smith C.J., Skejić S., 2022. Evaluating the progress in achieving Good Environmental Status in the Mediterranean: A methodology to assess the effectiveness of Marine Strategy Framework Directive’s Programmes of Measures. Marine Policy, 136, 104889.
Maggi C., Berducci M.T., Di Lorenzo B., Lomiri S., Venti F., 2022. Integrated chemical status of the Italian marine waters sensu Descriptor 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 1006595.
Sbrana A., Cau A., Cicala D., Franceschini S., Giarrizzo T., Gravina M.F., Ligas A., Maiello G., Matiddi M., Parisi A., Sartor P., Sbrana M., Scacco U., Valente T., Viva C., Russo T., 2022. Ask the shark: blackmouth catshark (Galeus melastomus) as a sentinel of plastic waste on the seabed. Marine Biology 169, 98.
Sbrana A., Valente T., Bianchi J., Franceschini S., Piermarini R., Saccomandi ·F., de LuciaA.G., Camedda A., Matiddi M., Silvestri C., 2022. From inshore to offshore: distribution of microplastics in three Italian seawaters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30.
Valente T., Pelamatti T., Avio C.G., Camedda A., Costantini M.L., de Lucia G.A., Jacomini C., Piermarini R., Regoli F., Sbrana A., Ventura D., Silvestri C., Matiddi M., 2022. One is not enough: Monitoring microplastic ingestion by fish needs a multispecies approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin 184, 114133.
Valente T., Ventura D., Matiddi M., Sbrana A., Silvestri C., Piermarini R., Jacomini C., Costantini M.L., 2022. Image processing tools in the study of environmental contamination by microplastics: reliability and perspectives. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30.
Zenetos A., Tsiamis K., Galanidi M., Carvalho N., Bartilotti C., Canning-Clode J., Castriota L., Chainho P., Comas-González R., Costa A.C., Dragičević B., Dulčić J., Faasse M., Florin A.B., Gittenberger A., Jakobsen H., Jelmert A., Kerckhof F., Lehtiniemi M., Livi S., Lundgreen K., Macic V., Massé C., Mavrič B., Naddafi R., Orlando-Bonaca M., Petovic S., Png-Gonzalez L., Carbonell Quetglas A., Ribeiro R.S., Cidade T., Smolders S., Staehr P.A.U., Viard F., Outinen O., 2022. Status and Trends in the Rate of Introduction of Marine Non-Indigenous Species in European Seas. Diversity 14, 1077.
Camedda A., Matiddi M., Vianello A., Coppa S., Bianchi J., Silvestri C., Palazzo L., MassaroG., Atzori F., Ruiu A., Piermarini R., Cocumelli C., Briguglio P., Hochscheid S., Brundu R., deLucia G., 2021. Polymer composition assessment suggests prevalence of single-use plastics among items ingested by loggerhead sea turtles in the western mediterranean sub-region. Environmental Pollution, 292, 11827.
Di Renzo, L., Mascilongo G., Berti M., Bogdanović T., Listeš E., Brkljača M., Notarstefano V.,Gioacchini G., Giorgini E., Olivieri V., Silvestri C., Matiddi M., D’Alterio N., Ferri N., Di Giacinto F., 2021. Potential Impact of Microplastics and Additives on the Health Status of Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) Stranded Along the Central Adriatic Coast. Water Air Soil Pollut 232, 98.
Fortibuoni T., Amadesi B., Vlachogianni T., 2021. Composition and abundance of macrolitter along the Italian coastline: The first baseline assessment within the european Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Environmental Pollution, 268, 115886.
Pezzo F., Zenatello M., Cerritelli G., Navone A., Giunchi D., Spano G., Pollonara E., Massolo A., Gagliardo A., Baccetti N., 2021. Productivity changes in the Mediterranean Sea drive foraging movements of yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan from the core of its global breeding range. Marine Ecology, 42 (4): e12668.
Sprovieri M., Ribera d’Alcalà M., Roose, P., Drago A., De Cauwer K., Falcini F., Lips I., Maggi C., Mauffret A., Tronczynski J., Zeri C., Moretti P.F., 2021. Science for Good Environmental Status: A European Joint Action to Support Marine Policy. Sustainability, 13, 8664.
Bianchi J., Valente T., Scacco U., Cimmaruta R., Sbrana A., Silvestri C. Matiddi M. 2020. Food preference determines the best suitable digestion protocol for analysing microplastic ingestion by fish. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 15.
Sbrana A., Valente T., Scacco U., Bianchi J., Silvestri C., Palazzo L., , de Lucia G.A., Valerani C, Ardizzone G., Matiddi M., 2020. Spatial variability and influence of biological parameters on microplastic ingestion by Boops boops (L.) along the Italian coasts (Western Mediterranean Sea). Environmental Pollution, 263 (Part A).
Tsangaris C., Digka N., Valente T., Aguilar A., Borrell A., de Lucia G. A., Gambaianie D.,Garinc O.G, Kaberi H., Martine J., Mauriño E., Miaude C., Palazzo L., del Olmo A. P., Raga J.A., Sbrana A., Silvestri C., Skylaki E., Vighi M., Wongdontree P., Matiddi M., 2020. Using Boops boops (osteichthyes) to assess microplastic ingestion in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 158.
Valente T., Scacco U., Matiddi M., 2020. Macro-litter ingestion in deep-water habitats: is an underestimation occurring? Environmental Research, 186, 109556.
Bray L., Digka N., TsangarisC., Camedda A., Gambaiani D., De Lucia G.A., Matiddi M., Miaud C., Palazzo L., Del-Olmo A.P., Raga J.A., Silvestri C., Kaberi H. 2019. Determining suitable fish to monitor plastic ingestion trends in the Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Pollution, 247.
Matiddi M., DeLucia G.A., Silvestri C., Darmon G., Tomás J., Pham C.K., Camedda A.,Vandeperre F., Claro F., Kaska Y., Kaberi H., Revuelta O., Piermarini R., Daffina R., Pisapia M., Genta D., Sözbilen D., Bradai M.N., Rodríguez Y., Gambaiani D., Tsangaris C., Chaieb O.,Moussier J., Loza A.L., Miaud C. 2019. Data Collection on Marine Litter Ingestion in Sea Turtlesand Thresholds for Good Environmental Status. Journal Visual Experiments.
Valente T., Sbrana A., Scacco U., Jacomini C., Bianchi J., Palazzo L., De Lucia G.A., Silvestri C., Matiddi M., 2019. Exploring microplastic ingestion by three deep-water elasmobranch species: A case study from the Tyrrhenian Sea. Environmental Pollution, 253.
Servello G., Andaloro F., Azzurro E., Castriota L., Catra M., Chiarore A., Crocetta F., D’Alessandro M., Denitto F., Froglia C., Gravili C., Langer M., Lo Brutto S., Mastrototaro F., Petrocelli A., Pipitone C., Piraino S., Relini G., Serio D., Xentidis N., Zenetos A., 2019. Marine alien species in Italy: a contribution to the implementation of descriptor D2 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Mediterranean Marine Science, 20(1).
Tsiamis K., Palialexis A., Stefanova K., Ničević Gladan Ž., Skejić S., Despalatović M., Cvitković I., Dragičević B., Dulčić J., Vidjak O., Bojanić N., Žuljević A., Aplikioti M., Argyrou M., Josephides M., Michailidis N., Jakobsen H.H., Staehr P.A., Ojaveer H., Lehtiniemig M., Massé C., Zenetos A., Castriota L., Livi S., Mazziotti C., Schembri P.J., Evans J., Bartolo A.G., Kabuta S.H., Smolders S., Knegtering E., Gittenberger A., Gruszkas P., Kraśniewski W., Bartilotti C., Tuaty-Guerra M., Canning-Clode J., Costa A.C., Parente M.I., Botelho A.Z., Micael J., Miodonski J.V., Carreira G.P., Lopes V., Chainho P., Barberá C., Naddafi R., Florin A.-B., Barry P., Stebbing P.D., Cardoso A.C. – (2019). Non-indigenous species refined national baseline inventories: A synthesis in the context of the European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 145.
De Lucia G.A., Vianello A., Camedda A., Vani D., Tomassetti P., Coppa S., Palazzo L., Amici M., Romanelli G., Zampetti G., Cicero A.M., Carpentieri S., Di Vito S., Matiddi M., 2018. Sea Water Contamination in the Vicinity of the Italian Minor Islands Caused by Microplastic Pollution. Water, 10 (8), 1108.
Paganelli D., La Valle P., Pulcini M., Proietti R., Nicoletti L., La Porta B., Lattanzi L., Pazzini A., Targusi M., Gabellini M., 2018. Towards an evaluation of physical loss pressure in the Italian seas for the implementation of the marine strategy framework directive. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 98(1).
Matiddi M., Hochscheid S., Camedda A., Baini M., Cocumelli C., Serena F., Tomassetti P.,Travaglini A., Marra S., Campani T., Scholl F., Mancusi C., Amato E., Briguglio P., Maffucci F.,Fossi MC., Bentivegna F., de Lucia G.A., 2017. Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta): a Target Species for Monitoring Litter Ingested by Marine Organisms in the Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Pollution, 230.
Raicevich S., Battaglia P., Fortibuoni T., Romeo T., Giovanardi O., Andaloro F., 2017. Critical Inconsistencies in Early Implementations of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and Common Fisheries Policy Objectives Hamper Policy Synergies in Fostering the Sustainable Exploitation of Mediterranean Fisheries Resources. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4 (316).
Maggi C., Lomiri S., Berducci M. T., Di Lorenzo B., D’Antona M., Ausili A., 2015. MSFD Descriptor 9: Between Health and Environment. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 6 (12). DOI: 10.7763/IJESD.2015.V6.729.
Romeo T., Battaglia P., Raicevich S., Perzia,P., Andaloro F., 2015. Swordfish harpoon fishery in the Mediterranean Sea: Recent data to implement the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the EcAp (Ecosystem Approach) process. Fisheries Research, 161.
Camedda A., Marra S., Matiddi M., Massaro G., Coppa S., Perilli A., Ruiu A., Briguglio P., De Lucia G.A., 2014. Interaction between loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) and marine litter in Sardinia (Western Mediterranean Sea). Marine Environmental Research, 100.
De Lucia G.A., Caliani I., Marra S., Camedda A., Coppa S., Alcaro L ., Campani T., Giannetti M., Coppola D., Cicero A.M., Panti C., Baini M., Guerranti C., Marsili L., Massaro G., Fossi M.C., Matiddi M., 2014. Amount and distribution of neustonic micro-plastic off the Western Sardinian coast (Central-Western Mediterranean Sea). Marine Environmental Research, 100.
Maggi C., Lomiri S., Di Lorenzo B., D’Antona M., Berducci M.T., 2014. Environmental Quality of Italian Marine Water by Means of Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Descriptor 9. PLOS ONE 9(9): e108463.